Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Benefits of Aromatherapy


Despite its reputation as a new-age alternative medicine, aromatherapy predates almost any other type of treatment.  It has practiced by civilization for over 5,000 years, which puts in origin 2,500 years before Hippocrates, the father of medicine who used it as part of his care.  It was in the 11th century that the process of steam distillation made it possible to extract essential oils from plants. As this practice spread, aromatherapy spread all over the world.  Now it is practiced in over 40 countries including Western Europe and the United States.  The use of volatile plant matter to improve one’s health gives a whole host of benefits from improving skin to reducing pain to increasing circulation.  The variety of health improvements that can be derived from aromatherapy make this alternative medicine worth exploring.

Why Do Essential Oils Work?

Essential oils are taken from a single plant.  Each of these oil soluble elements is made up of over 100 chemicals which gives it is ability to provide aromatherapy. In fact, the essential oil of a plant have the ability to keep the plant itself healthy.  There are multiple ways to extract essential oils from a plant (steam, expression, or Super critical CO2 extraction) which will give oils different healing capabilities even from the same plant.


Just as different oils have different healing powers, different types are utilized in different ways.  Some are inhaled, some are applied to the skin, and some are actually taken internally.  This all depends on what kind of oil it is and what type of treatment you are looking for.  To get the proper type and the proper use, make sure you read up on your aromatherapy of choice before beginning use.

Benefits of Different Essential Oils

Essential oils are used for a myriad of health issues.  This can be anything from fighting every maladies such as stress to terminal diseases such as cancer.  The healing abilities of essential oils many not be as effective in some of the plant extracts as others, so there are no guarantees that a using the therapy that induces sleep will also relieve menopause symptoms.


Reduce Anxiety:

Aromatherapy seems like a natural solution to reducing anxiety (pun intended), but it also is scientifically proven one too.  The calming effect of the therapy has none of the aftereffects of pharmaceutical anxiety drugs.  Lavender, Bergamot, Clary Sage are three types of oils that deliver anxiety relief.

Boost Cognitive Abilities:

If you hear that aromatherapy can improve brain function, you may that is asking too much.  Well, you would be wrong.  In fact, studies show that the peppermint essential oils are beneficial in improving cognitive abilities while ylang-ylang was actually shown to hurt it.

Induce Sleep:

For those who are having trouble sleeping, aromatherapy is a great assistant.  Whether you bathe in it, put it under your pillow, or put some in your room, it can put you in the right place for sleeping.  The oils are not a cure for insomnia, but they will be a feast for the senses and will provide some sleep and a better experience.  A lavender bath is a great way to induce, as is lemon citrus.

Ease Depression:

The debilitating effects of depression can be addressed with aroma therapeutic oils. This should not be a substitute for seeking a mental health professional since depression is a very serious issue and is the number cause of disabilities in the United States.  However, there are a number of scents that can help someone fight depression.  There are a dozen oils that can assist in this battle than can be utilized in many ways whether it be inhaling or bathing.

Reduces Nausea and Helps with Healing:

Aromatherapy has been proven to reduce nausea from surgery, pregnancy, treatment, or motion pictures sickness.  Ginger, spearmint, and peppermint, or a blend can assist in reducing the discomfort and patient recovery.

Pain Reduction:

There are at least seven different oils that can be used for pain reduction, whether it be in the head or in the muscles.  Each of these oils can be used in a massage therapy to bring relief.

Digestion Assistance:

Stress causes many of the issues with the digestive system.  The soothing powers that make essential oils so effective at reducing stress can be used to improve digestion.

Increase Circulation:

There are multiple ways that aromatherapy helps with circulation. Some oils assist in clearing up physical issues such as varicose veins.  Others help improve the issues that cause the circulation such as stress.  Research the various oils and find the one that works for your specific situation.

Improve Energy Levels:

Many of the oils that help battle other maladies are also great at improving energy levels.  The best approach for choosing an energy focused oil is to choose one for another issue and see if it will help with energy issues as w

PMS or Menopause:

Aromatherapy can be used to fight the effects of hormonal imbalance brought on by premenstrual syndrome or menopause, as well as fighting the pain.  Clary sage, lavender and peppermint are all effective in relief.


Essential oils have been used in both fighting cancer and giving relief from the effects of treatments.  Cancer is a disease that needs to be fought on all fronts, so if you are looking for help in prevention or treatment, do your research on getting the right oils to assist.

What to Watch For

All medicine come with cautions, and aromatherapy is no different.   This is especially true since the oils are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.  Make sure that you get your essential oil combinations from a professional, because some chemicals that are poisonous.  Others may trigger allergies.  Those with medical conditions (including pregnancy) should use extreme caution before trying this or any alternative medicine.  Do your research before you begin your regimen.  This will allow you to find the proper treatment for you as well as save you money.


Article by: Katie Mills from Vidalux has extensive knowledge in everything related to steam showers, saunas and hydrotherapy benefits.

The post Benefits of Aromatherapy appeared first on Better Health Lifestyles.

from Better Health Lifestyles

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sex and Our Senses – Aromatherapy Awakening

Sex and Our Senses: Aromatherapy Awakening

With Valentines Day approaching I thought it would be a good idea to explore the link between sexual arousal and aromatherapy. Instead of getting too scientific on you, I’m going to veer off a bit from my typical style of writing and provide you with some practical tips to apply this Valentine’s Day. I bet I can guess what you’re thinking, “what does a scientist know about sexual arousal”? Would you believe that sex neuroscience is actually quite a large field of investigation? Sex is one of those things that captivates people’s attention and brings up a lot of why questions. Believe it or not, for every why question that you have about sex, there’s likely a sex scientist who’s turned to the brain to answer that same question. In fact, as a clinical neuroscientist I’ve had the opportunity to speak on the radio, write for a few sexual health blogs, appear in magazine articles and a variety of other media formats discussing sex and the brain. So I hope I’ve convinced you that what you’re about to read is the real deal and strongly grounded in the scientific literature.

Can Aromatherapy Enhance Our Sex Life?

Let’s first start off with a couple of psychological dimensions that can interfere with human sexual arousal, then we’ll explore how my step-by-step guide to more fulfilling sex can help. Feeling anxious or depressed, experiencing changes in confidence levels, doubt, disappointment, negative body image, unrealistic expectations regarding sexual performance, and even adjustment to new living conditions can all illicit psychological stress that interferes with our arousal. Even success and positive change can be stressful and have the same impact. Luckily coping methods, like using aromatherapy, that help us regulate our stress response can also help lift some of the effects that psychological distress has on sexual desire and arousal. The end goal is to simply calm your body and mind, focus on the here and now and fully enjoy the moment.

Here are some neuroscience-guided tips that can help you do just that and have a sensual valentine’s day and more fulfilled sex life.

1. Ease the stressors in your life

by taking them as opportunities to ask your partner for support. By doing so your brain releases the neurhormone oxytocin, which plays an important role in bonding, stress regulation and even orgasms. Doing this before sex is a great way to ease your mind and allow you to focus your attention on experiencing pleasure.

2. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques

prior to, during and after sex. Take a moment to breath and let your brain feel all of the sensations that you’re experiencing. Don’t let your mind wander beyond the here and now.

3. Openly communicate

with your partner about what does and doesn’t feel good.

4. Slow down

sex isn’t a race.

5. Stop thinking orgasm

and start thinking whole body pleasure. Explore other zones of stimulation apart from just your genitals. Experiment with different types of touch, from soft and warm embraces to being a little bit more rough and vigorous.

6. Go beyond touch and use all of your senses

by bringing taste and smell into your intimate experience.


  • Sip a glass of red wine while your partner focuses on exploring other parts of your body. But try not to overindulge too much; while red wine has been shown to increase arousal, higher doses can interfere with orgasm.
  • Integrate dark chocolate into your play and allow the rich taste to center you in the here and now.


this is where our favorite essential oils come into play. Turn on your essential oil diffuser and add a combination of the following oils.

  • Stimulate your sympathetic nervous system and increase alertness with jasmine essential oil.
  • Increase sexual desire with neroli essential oil.
  • Calm your cardiovascular system with ylang ylang.
  • Increase alertness, attentiveness and vigor with sandalwood.
  • Regulate your emotions and induce a sense of calmness and relaxation by using rose oil

There you have it, neuroscience guided tips for a sensual valentines day. It’s time to awaken your senses and experience pleasure beyond just the orgasm.

Contributed by:  Better Health  

The post Sex and Our Senses – Aromatherapy Awakening appeared first on Better Health Lifestyles.

from Better Health Lifestyles

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Welcome to the new year! If you’ve decided to make some resolutions, we here at Plant Therapy want to help you keep those promises you made yourself. Want to run a marathon or follow through with a new exercise plan? Want to maximize your productivity at work or at home? How about dedicating more play time with the kids after a long day at work?

Those are great goals, but they require a certain ingredient for success:  Energy!

Instead of reaching for that second or third cup of coffee, try reaching for an essential oil instead. Use energizing oils to lift you out of midday grogginess, motivate you to get to the gym, or simply to fight off fatigue and make the most of your day.

Energy Synergy

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the unique blend of essential oils our amazing team of Certified Aromatherapists have developed . This stimulating blend is a sure-fire way to add some pep in your step. The uplifting oils of Orange Blood and Geranium Egyptian help to ease away tension from daily stress and balance emotions; Peppermint and Lemon add an energizing burst that keeps you alert and focused; Ginger Root and Eucalyptus Globulus bring warmth and healthy circulation to revitalize your mind and body.

Give Energy Synergy a chance to help you stick with your New Year’s Resolutions with this great project to super-charge your day!

Single Oils for Energy

Now, as great as out Energy Synergy is, you don’t want to forget about all the amazing single oils that can help boost you out of a low energy slump! Use them alone or try your hand at mixing up your very own blend! If you need some help figuring out what works well together, visit that oil’s product page for a list of suggestions.

First, Peppermint (and Organic Peppermint). You know it and you love it. Fresh, cool, and unmistakable, this popular essential oil will invigorate your mind and body.

Another member of the mint family, Balm Mint Bush, is highly uplifting and intensely refreshing. Its aroma differs from Peppermint because of its crisp eucalyptus notes, which is ideal for an energizing burst.

Speaking of which, Eucalyptus Globulus is another fantastic choice to lift your spirits and focus your mind. If also brings warmth to the body and promotes healthy circulation; when your body feels good, it responds with elevated energy levels.

The spicy oils of Cardamom and Black Pepper (and Organic Black Pepper) are also warming, stimulating and uplifting. Great for an energizing burst.

Additionally, citrus oils are powerful energy boosters. Both Lemon and Grapefruit oils (including Organic Lemon and Organic Grapefruit) have energizing, crisp, and uplifting scents that work as immediate stimulates.  A quick inhale of either will give you a burst of mental clarity — they’re known to be very effective mood-boosters, too.

Last but not least, give Yuzu a try. Zesty and refreshing, this is a mood-lifter and great energy booster.

Now we know which essential oils to use for a burst of energy. But what are the best ways to use them?

~DIY Recpipe: Energizing Shower Disc~
What You’ll Need:

2 cups flour
3 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons water
75-80 drops Energy Synergy
Mold (e.g. muffin tin)

What You’ll Do:

Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
Place into mold and cook on 300 for 20 minutes.
Remove from mold and drop 5 drops of Energy onto each disc.
Store in an airtight container or jar.

For a morning wake-me-up, place on the shower floor (or soap dish), not directly in the water spray, and enjoy the fabulous aroma and benefits of Energy Synergy!

I Got Sunshine In My Pocket

Try a personal Aromatherapy Inhaler. They are compact and convenient. Carry an energy boost wherever you go for an instant pick-me-up.

Or, try Diffuse on the Move, the portable, compact travel diffuser that allows you to enjoy your oils anywhere there’s a standard USB or 12V port. Use it in your car on the way to work or the gym.


Contributed by:

The post GET A NATURAL ENERGY BOOST WITH ESSENTIAL OILS appeared first on Better Health Lifestyles.

from Better Health Lifestyles

How to Improve your health this winter

Did you forget to prioritize your health during the month of December? It’s easy to do! By the time January comes around, a lot of us are feeling the effects of the holidays. Not to mention common ailments such as the cold and flu run rampant. So let’s take a moment go over some basics for maintaining our health…

Here’s to staying healthy this winter!



Staying hydrated is a vital aspect of staying healthy year-round! But we could definitely use helpful reminders and some extra water during winter.

Depending on where you live, winter air is often more dry than it is during the other seasons. This means it’s easier for you to suffer from mild dehydration, which can be seen visibly in dry skin, fatigue, frequent headaches, and other symptoms.

Let’s not forget that staying adequately hydrated (yes folks, 8 glasses a day) plays a key role in overall health as well as providing a whole host of benefits such as improving skin health, increased energy, strengthening the immune system, and aiding in the body’s natural detoxification process.



Are you getting enough sleep every night? Or do you struggle to wake up in the morning and stay up too late? Getting a good amount of sleep each night helps keep you healthy, happy, and thinking clearly throughout the day!

Sleep is especially important during the winter months in strengthening the immune system and speeding up recovery from the cold and flu!

Make sure you set a “lights out” time at a reasonable hour so that you can get enough sleep.




Regular exercise plays an important role in overall health. Not only is exercise good for the body, exercise is also good for mental and emotional health.

Colder weather might make you discouraged about getting active outdoors. But this doesn’t have to be so! There are a bunch of great outdoor activities that you can do in the winter to get your exercise in.

Here are a few wintertime activities for inspiration:

  • Go cross-country skiing
  • Build a snow fort or a snowman
  • Visit your local ice arena and rent some skates
  • Take a downhill skiing or snowboarding trip (sledding is great, too!)
  • Go on a hike with snowshoes

Not feeling the cold? Many gyms and community centers have public saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs to warm you up! Treat yourself to a relaxing spa after a workout to relax your muscles and promote healing.



Hakuna Matata—it means no worries! Make sure to give yourself some time to relax and unwind. It’s important to start new routines that include more exercise and eating healthier, but it’s also important to set a new relaxation regimen:

  • Treat yourself to a salt bath (try these 2-ingredient DIY bath salts!)
  • Get a massage
  • Attend a yoga class (or watch a guided yoga video)
  • Brew a cup of caffeine-free tea
  • Curl up with that book you’ve been meaning to read



During the holiday months we tend to consume more sweets and starchy foods such as bread, cereal, pasta, and potatoes. Too much of these types of foods can adversely affect your health! Make sure you are eating well-rounded meals that include fruits, veggies, plant protein, and whole grains. A well-balanced diet will help keep your energy levels up, strengthen your immune system, increase focus, and keep your digestive system functioning properly.

Try these recipes :



As discussed above, many factors play into our immune health. In addition to all these factors, winter is a great time to be maintaining your immune system by making sure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals to help keep you energized, focused, and healthy.

If you’re not already taking some immune-boosting vitamins such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B6 then now is a great time to start! Check the label on multivitamins to be sure they contain these vitamins.

You can also boost your immune system naturally with this “flu shot” recipe which includes powerhouse ingredients such as ginger, lemon, apple cider vinegar, moringa, echinacea, rose hips, black pepper, and honey. Information on all of these ingredients are included in the post so be sure to check it out to learn more about strengthening your immune system naturally.


drink moringa for better health

Contributed by : Better Health Lifestyles

The post How to Improve your health this winter appeared first on Better Health Lifestyles.

from Better Health Lifestyles